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Cleaning Pots

Writer's picture: Shana WiseShana Wise

By Pastor Deborah Morrison

What is your favorite food or dish? As you picture it in your mind, think of the work involved in preparing this special dish. Doesn't it look good? Some of you just might smell it. Because you are my friend, I am inviting you to be my honored guest as I prepare your favorite meal. I will go all out for you, the table will be set with fine linen, candlelight and the good China will be used. There isn't anything too good for you! All you must do is show up with an appetite, see you then.

My To Do List:

1. Purchased the ingredients for the dish/meal

2. Gather the required cooking utensils

3. Turn on the stove and/or preheat the oven

4. Prepare the ingredients (cut, chop slice, dice, shred, etc.)

5. Mix all the ingredients together (stir, pour, toss, shake, blend, etc.)

6. Place and/or arrange the prepared ingredients in the pot, pan, or casserole dish.


Oh my…. The Pot is dirty! What shall I do? I know, I will clean the outside of the pot and continue with step number 6. After all my friend will not mind if I only clean the outside of the pot. Who cares about the inside? After all, isn't this what most people do? They clean the outside of the pot, all I must do, is make the dish look appealing, smell, and taste good. Nobody will know that the pot is dirty on the inside, as a matter of fact the food will cover it up. I must be a genius to come up with this cover up, are you still coming? Will you still be my honored guest? Most likely your answer is no, as a matter of fact you might be offended and outraged. And to think I was supposed to be your friend.

Is this not what most people do? They clean the outside, and never deal with the dirt and the filth on the inside. We go along thinking we are fine the way we are, NOT SO, every day we need to ask God not only to create a clean heart within us. FIRST, we need to repent, and ask God to “Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin”. The hidden junk on the inside, such as pride, anger, bitterness, resentment, envy, jealousy, hatred and unforgiveness. After, and only after, we’ve been washed, now comes purging with hyssop. When I think of purging with hyssop, I think of filthy pots (sin), that can only be cleansed with Brillo pads, which is symbolic of the Blood of Jesus being applied. Afterwards, you will be clean through and through and your sins will be whiter than snow. Then comes the good part, you can now say; “create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a right spirit within me”. You are now a clean vessel inside and out, ready to be used, and fit for the master’s use.

Praise God! He can clean us from the inside out. We must show up for the washing.

“Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom. Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Create in me a clean heart, O God: and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy Holy Spirit from me”. Psalms 51: 2-3, 6-7 & 10-11(KJV)

About the Author

Pastor Deborah Morrison was ordained and serves as the Associate Pastor, under the leadership of Dr. Shana Wise at Wise Choice Ministries, Middleburg, FL. She faithfully serves on the Evangelism Outreach Team, and Intercessory Prayer Team.

She has served in various capacities and Leadership positions in ministry for over 16 years. Pastor Morrison is actively involved in her community through outreach efforts with The Well Christian Women’s Network, Christian Women Preachers United Clergy and The Early Learning Coalition of Duval /Children’s Closet.

Pastor Morrison is the founder of HEAL LEAH Ministries, Inc. (a Women’s ministry of Healing, Cultivating Wholeness and Unleashing Purpose), and Times of Refreshing Ladies Day Out, where the focus is on Prayer, Praise and Fellowship, and being Refreshed, Reconnected, Restored, Revived and Renewed in the Presence of the Lord.

She is blessed to be a mother of 1 child and many spiritual daughters, and 5 glam babies which she adores. Pastor Deborah is a Breast Cancer Survivor and is the epitome of the word - A person who is able to continue living their life successfully despite experiencing difficulties.

Pastor Deborah declares I am not just a survivor, but I am “Thriving”, and I have a lot ahead that I want to accomplish as I “Journey forward” in my purpose and expected end in Christ Jesus!

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