By guest blogger Camille Johnson

Moving on from grief can take some time, and some days it may feel like those feelings will never go away. Not only that, grief can make unexpected appearances in your life, leaving you feeling off-balance as you struggle to get past a setback. That’s why it’s so important to find ways to remain healthy and make good choices for your body, mind, and soul. Creating a few simple goals will allow you to focus on self-care so that you can move into a better place of healing; you might decide to change the way you eat or sleep, or make some adjustments to the way you cope with stress and anxiety. You can also look for support and inspiration from sources like Wise Choice Ministries, where you’ll find a community ready to accept you and help you through this difficult time. Here are some helpful hints to get you started on your healing journey.
Don’t isolate
It can be tempting to stay home and shut out the world when you’re grieving, especially if you have an anxiety disorderor if dealing with your loss has left you exhausted. If you work from home, you’re especially at risk for feelings of isolation, which can exacerbate anxiety and can lead to depression. Rather than staying away from social situations, look for ways you can incorporate them slowly into your daily routine. You might set up a video chat with a loved one, or meet a friend from church for lunch. If you’re still not ready to be social but want to get out of the house, take the dog to a nearby park or set up a workspace outdoors on the back porch. Keep your work hours regular, as this can help you stay on a good schedule. Remember that taking small steps is better than taking no steps at all.
Change up your environment
The reason that taking small steps during the grieving process works is because it allows you to set manageable goals that won’t leave you feeling overwhelmed. Major changes can do more harm than good at this point, but creating realistic goals can elevate your confidence and give you a sense of purpose, both of which are helpful when you’re in the midst of grief.
For instance, if you lived with the individual you’re grieving, it might be too much to think about going through their belongings and consider donating or boxing them up; however, making small changes to your living area can help you feel more in control of things. Adding plants, letting in some natural light, and doing a deep clean are just a few ways you can make your space work for your mental health needs.
Try something new
With your home environment taken care of, you might consider trying something new that’s just for you. Whether it’s a hobby you’ve always wanted to practice or a class you’ve been putting off taking, there are several options that can help you grow as a person and move forward within the healing process. Look for relaxing hobbies that are beneficial for mental health, such as making art or playing an instrument. Ask a friend to join you for even more added benefits.
Talk to someone who understands
Even with a few healthy changes in your life, dealing with grief can be a frustrating and unforgiving process. You might consider looking for a virtual support group or talking to a trusted advisor within your church for guidance. Speaking with someone who understands what you’re going through can be extremely helpful, especially if you lost your loved one under sudden or tragic circumstances.
Coping with the effects of grief can take a lot out of you, so be kind to yourself in the coming months. Practicing self-care can go a long way, but it’s also important to make healthy decisions during this time.
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To find out more about Camille Johnson please visit