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Exodus Study Guide Chapters 1-11

Writer's picture: Shana WiseShana Wise

Updated: Oct 14, 2023

By Pastor Dr. Shana Wise

Instructions: WCM will have bible studies and sermons about the book of Exodus. Participate in person or watch the videos on YouTube or Facebook.

Read the assigned reading for the week. Answer any questions listed in the study guide. Journal what God is revealing to you through the scripture.

Week 1

Read Exodus Chapters 1-2

Chapter 1 Overview of the slavery in Egypt

o Pharoah ordered all the Israelite males killed. The midwives did not heed the orders because they feared God. How does this story relate to the time we live in now? What else is being revealed to you in this chapter?

o There are many people in bondage all over the world. Many women choose abortion for their babies. Write out a prayer concerning these facts.

Chapter 2 The Birth of Moses

o What comes to mind when you think about the birth, childhood, and early life of Moses?

o God had a plan for Moses’ life. He used the good and bad circumstances to shape his journey to eventually becoming a leader of Israel. How has God used your life for his purposes?

o Are you still feeling guilty by some of the wrong things you did in life? If some have you repented and/or God spoke to you about that situation?

o Exodus 2:24-25 So God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. 25 And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God acknowledged them. Have you ever felt like God forgot about you? Let this verse bring encouragement.

o Write a prayer concerning what is being revealed to you through this chapter.

Week 2

Read Exodus Chapters 3-4

Chapter 3 Moses at the Burning Bush

o Moses had an encounter with God at the burning bush.

o Exodus 3:4-5, So when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, “Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.” 5 Then He said, “Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.” 6 Moreover He said, “I am the God of your father—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God. What can we learn from these verses concerning when we are in the presence of God?

o What else is God revealing to us in chapter 3? Write a prayer concerning these things.

Chapter 4 Signs of the Lord’s Power at the Burning Bush

o Has God ever asked you to do something far greater than you? Like Moses, did you protest? How did that situation turn out for you?

o Has God personally revealed his power in miraculous ways? Write out what He has shown you.

o God gave instructions to Moses to go back to Egypt, but Moses had reservations and resistance. Moses ended up doing what God asked him to do and God provided Moses’ help to do what he told him to do. What lesson can we learn from this story?

o Write a prayer concerning anything that may be holding you back from doing what God told you to do and/or write a prayer concerning what else God is revealing to you through this passage of scripture.

Week 3

Read Exodus Chapters 5-8

Chapter 5 Moses and Aaron speak to Pharaoh

o Exodus 5:1 Afterward Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh, “Thus says the Lord God of Israel: ‘Let My people go, that they may hold a feast to Me in the wilderness.’” God wants his people released from bondage so that they can worship him. Has God freed you from bondage? If so, how do you worship him?

o After Moses’ request things got worse for the Israelites instead of better. The people were upset at Moses and Moses protested to God. Have you ever prayed, or did what God told you to do, and things got worse instead of better? How did it turn out for you?

Chapter 6 God Promises Deliverance for Israel

o As we read the beginning of this chapter, there are several lessons we can learn from it. God is still working things out, even if it doesn’t seem like it. God is patient with us and our frustration. God has a specific word for our situation. God still has work for us to do even in difficult times.

o Have you ever protested what God was telling you to do? Have you done what God has told you to do? What else is being revealed in this chapter?

Chapter 7 The Plagues Begin in Egypt

o Exodus 7:6-7 Then Moses and Aaron did so; just as the Lord commanded them, so they did. 7 And Moses was eighty years old and Aaron eighty-three years old when they spoke to Pharaoh. Even though things seemed to be getting worse and better, and Moses protested God, he still did what God told him to do. He and his brother were older, and God still chose to use them for his purposes. We must remember that age, disabilities, and circumstances do not prevent God from using who he wants to get his purposes accomplished on earth.

o Exodus 7:13 And Pharaoh’s heart grew hard, and he did not heed them, as the Lord had said.We must make sure that our heart is soft to what God is doing. We don’t want to be like Pharaoh and have a hardened heart against God, especially when He is performing miracles in our presence. We may know someone with a hardened heart towards God, and write a prayer for them.

o During this chapter, the series of plagues begins in Egypt. The first plague was the Nile River which turned into blood. Pharaoh still did not change his mind after this plague. How can we see some of this story playing out in our modern-day times?

Chapter 8 The Plagues Continue

o In this chapter we read about the plague of frogs, gnats, and flies. Pharoah's heart still did not change after all this. He pretends that he wants to let the children of Israel go worship but on his terms. God is holy and we must worship him the way he requires. How do you worship God?

o The plagues that came against Egypt were a direct attack on the gods that they worshipped (flies, gnats, frogs, etc.). False gods have no place in our lives, they will all succumb to the Almighty God. Do you have any gods completing your relationship with the Holy God? After reading this passage of scripture, will you denounce them today? Write out a prayer for someone else who may be worshipping a false god.

Week 4

Read Exodus Chapters 9-11

Chapter 9 The Plagues Continue

o The plagues in this chapter include all the livestock in the country getting struck down, boils on the people, and hail falling and destroying the land. Through all these plagues Pharoah still refused to let the Israelites go and worship God.

o Can you imagine what it was like living in Egypt during this period? Would you have believed that God was real if you witnessed all these things happening?

o What else is God revealing to you through this passage of scripture?

Chapter 10 The Plague of the Locusts and Darkness

o Pharaoh still refused to let the Israelites go and worship even after locusts and darkness fell upon the land. This shows the condition of his hardened heart. Pharaoh thought that he was a god, and because of this, he refused to acknowledge the true and living God.

o What are some things we can do to prevent our hearts from becoming hardened?

o Why do you think God wants his children to be free so that they can worship him?

o Exodus 10:27-29 But the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart, and he would not let them go. 28 Then Pharaoh said to him, “Get away from me! Take heed to yourself and see my face no more! For in the day you see my face you shall die! 29 So Moses said, “You have spoken well. I will never see your face again.” Has the enemy ever threatened your life? What was your response?

o What else is being revealed from this passage of scripture?

Chapter 11 The Final Plague Announced, the Death of Egypt’s Firstborn

o In this chapter, Moses announces to Pharaoh by God’s command that every firstborn in Egypt will die. Pharaoh’s heart was still hardened, and he would not listen. Pharaoh thought he was untouchable.

o We see this in the hearts of many people of the world today. They refuse to believe in God, they refuse to change, and they even think that they are a god. How sad for their soul. This is why we need to tell the world about the God we serve (evangelize). Judgement is coming to this earth and mankind. We will all one day give an account of what we did on Earth. We want to point as many people as possible to Christ before it’s too late.

o How many people have you led to Christ, prayed for, or evangelized to this year? What more can you do to get the message out about Christ?


About the Author

Dr. Shana Wise is an ordained Pastor who founded and oversees Wise Choice Ministries with her husband Pastor Ron Wise. She is also the CEO and founder of The Well Christian Women’s Network. Dr. Wise is the author of Women’s Devotionals Acts of Intercession and Chief Women Arise, The Impact of Your Election, and the Basic Ministry Training Manual (all available on Amazon). She received a Doctor of Divinity degree in 2019 from St. Thomas Christian University. Her passion is to teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, equip others to apply the Word to their lives and demonstrate it through the power of the Holy Spirit. She is a televangelist who appears on social media outlets. Shana is married and has four children.

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Books available on Amazon:

Acts of Intercession

The Impact of Your Election

Basic Ministry Training Manual

Chief Women Arise

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