
Jesus Christ …. Revelation1:1
Faithful Witness ….. Revelation 1:5
First Begotten of the Dead ….. Revelation 1:5
Prince of the Kings of the Earth ….. Revelation 1:5
Alpha and Omega ….. Revelation 1:8-13
First and Last ….. Revelation 1:8, 11, 13
Son of Man ….. Revelation 1;13
He that liveth and was dead ….. Revelation 1:13, 18
He that holdeth the seven stars ….. Revelation 2:1
He who walketh midst the golden candlesticks ….. Revelation 2:1
He who hath the sharp sword with two edges ….. Revelation 2:12
Son of God ….. Revelation 2:18
He which searches the reins and hearts ….. Revelation 2:23
He that hath the seven Spirits of God ….. Revelation 3: 1
He that hath the seven stars ….. Revelation 3:1
He that is holy and true ….. Revelation 3:7
He that hath the key of David ….. Revelation 3:7
He that openeth and no man shutteth ….. Revelation 3:7
He that shutteth and no man openeth ….. Revelation 3:7
The Amen ….. Revelation 3:14
The faithful and true witness ….. Revelation 3:14
The beginning of the creation of God ….. Revelation 3:14
Lord ….. Revelation 4:11
Lion of the tribe of Judah ….. Revelation 5:5,9
The root of David ….. Revelation 5: 5,9
A lamb as it had been slain ….. 5: 6,7
The Lamb ….. Revelation 5: 8,9
Lord of Lords ….. Revelation 17:14
King of Kings …… Revelation 17:14
Faithful and true ….. 19:11
Rider of the white horse ….. 19:11
The Word of God ….. Revelation 19: 13-16
Christ ….. Revelation 20: 4
The Lord God of the Holy Prophets ….. Revelation 22:6
Beginning and the end ….. Revelation 22:13
The bright and morning star ….. Revelation 22: 16
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