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Ten Things to Consider Moving Forward

Writer's picture: Shana WiseShana Wise

By Pastor Shana Wise

“Serving our God of Eternity from this space of time”-Pastor Shana Wise

1. Relationships

· What relationships do you need to mend? Who do you need to forgive?

· Recognize who is with you “right now”.

· Determine your business and personal relationships. Ask God to show you your Kingdom connections.

Ø Write in detail the situation and the name of the person(s) you need to forgive. You may have forgiven that person(s), but the situation still hurts (affects you), write out in detail what it is that is still bothering you. Write a prayer with correlating scriptures that reflect what you need God to do as it relates to forgiveness and/or healing from past hurt(s).

Ø Meditate on the people that God has in your life right now. Recognize the gifts, talents, and Kingdom connections you have with them and they have with you. Allow the Holy Spirit to revel your personal, associates, and business relationships. Once these relationships have been established operate in them accordingly.

2. Sowing on Good Ground

· All money is not good money.

· Ask God where you should sow.

· Move from emotional spending to strategic planting

There will always be opportunities to make or acquire money. When various of these opportunities are presented to us, we must consider its connection with our Kingdomreveal purpose.

3. Every good thing may not be a God thing

· Just because it sounds good, is it good for you or the Kingdom?

· Let your yes be yes and your no be no-without regrets

· What God has for you is for you.

· Healthy boundaries

4. What does it have to do with the Kingdom and my purpose?

· Matthew 6:33, But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

· Jer. 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

· Un-purposeful activities vs. Kingdom positioning

5. Remember who you are and whose you are

· Don’t let others and the world define who you are

· Stop trying to “prove” yourself to others. When we realized that God has justified us, we will stop trying to justify ourselves to others. (Romans 8:30, Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.).

· Find yourself in The Book (bible).

6. Whatever it is, it is only temporary

· We’ve heard the saying” trouble don’t last always”, but what is our response during these troubling times? John 16:33, These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

· Life on earth is temporary. Sometimes we forget this. Never hold on to anything or anyone tighter than you hold on to God. People, places, things, and situations will past away, but God’s Word will last forever.

· We need to change our mindset from chasing carnal crowns to Kingdom crowns.

7. Continue to walk in love

· Matthew 22:37-40, Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”

· Our love for others is a reflection of our love walk with God.

· Learn how to love and forgive despite our feelings.

8. Obey the next thing He tells you to do

· How many blessings have we missed due to a lack of obedience?

· Don’t make it complicated-Just do it

· Let go and let God

9. Take some “me time”

· Don’t feel guilty about taking “me time”.

· How are you resting? Matthew 11:28-30 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

10. Be the person God created you to be, with no apologies

· Moving from insecurities to being secure in Christ

· How God sees you vs. how you see yourself

· Embrace His love and shine in it

About the Author

Dr. Shana Wise is an ordained Pastor and CEO of Wise Choice Ministries (est. 2016). She is the founder of The Well Christian Women’s Network formally known as Christian Women Preachers United. Dr. Wise is the author of women’s devotional, Acts of Intercession, and The Impact of Your Election (available on Amazon). She received a doctor of divinity degree in 2019 from St. Thomas Christian University. Her passion is to teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, equip others to apply the Word to their lives, and demonstrate the Word through the power of the Holy Spirit. She is a televangelist that appears on social media outlets and television. Shana is married to Ron Wise and is the mother of four children.

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